The Evil Life: Growing Evil, Chapter 5
Let's catch up with our grumpy science-obsessed prince, shall we? When we first met Gloom he was arguing with his parents about his royal obligations to magic and world domination. Now, as we rejoin the regal researcher, he's had a chance to find his own identity outside the kingdom of Monakwa. But is he truly living his dream or swimming against the stream?
Tap any panel to open the webcomic in fullscreen, and then click or swipe through the entire chapter. (Oh, and you can read us on Webtoon too!)
PREVIOUS: Chapter 4 | NEXT: Chapter 6 |
Awww, poor prince. He's so not ready for the soul-crushing job hunt in Megaville! But I'm glad he stood up for himself, even if he was a spoiled brat while he was doing it.
Anyway, how @#$%ing cool is Nils-Petter Norlin's astral plane, amiright?!? I just absolutely love it. The crazy colors, the swirling objects, the distorted anatomy... it's so rad! I've been stoked to shared this chapter for so long because I couldn't wait for everyone to check out his brilliant vision of a magical family phone call.
I'm in Paris right now as I post this chapter, which isn't part of my normal routine. It's my first time here but I had to make sure that this chapter was posted when I promised you it would be there! C'est vrai!
Oh, one last thing... don't forget to check out the BUN&TEA Anthology on Kickstarter! My comic Lazer Bird is part of it and the campaign wraps up in a few days, so back it now if you wanna get on board.
Alright, that's it for now. Get ready to check up on Hester in two weeks when she tries to get to the bottom of her marmot mutation. See you then!
PREVIOUS: Chapter 4 | NEXT: Chapter 6 |