Monster Guy - Line Art

As I mentioned last weekend, I'm going to be sharing a step-by-step look at the creation process of my Monster Guy illustration. I did a similar behind-the-scenes series of blog posts for last year's Explorers of the Unknown pinup, and you can expect the Monster Guy series to be similar.

I mean, that's not to say the process for this cartoon was exactly the same as my Explorers piece... because there are some decided differences that'll become apparent when I post next weekend. But this first step -- the line art -- isn't going to hold any surprises. SORRY!

Mainly, there's one thing that's unique about Monster Guy's line art: zero mistakes! About 99% of the time, I draw in pen or marker, and that means my original line art typically contains some flaws that I smooth over after I scan. This time around, I didn't have to worry about that because the sketch came out solid on the first try.

Next weekend I'll share my color line art and that's when things'll get interesting 🙂

3 Responses to “Monster Guy - Line Art”

  1. [...] so last week the plain old black and white line art. And this week I'm back with the color line [...]

  2. [...] Last time, I described the decision making process that lead me to using color holds on the Monster Guy line art. This time, I'm sharing my interior colors! [...]

  3. [...] showed you the line art, explained why I decided to use color holds, and showed you my interior colors. The only [...]