
Fantastic Fridays - Thing

Friday, May 20th, 2011

stick figure Thing

This post is by no means a declaration of intent. I'm not gonna say that I'll be posting another stick figure member of the Fantastic Four next Friday. It's possible that you'll see another Fantastic Fridays post in the future, but I make no guarantees.

I drew Thing way (WAY!) back in 2010 when I was trying to sort out my next series of stick figure sketches. That series ended up being Green Thursdays, and not Thing Thursdays. I mean, that woulda been kinda boring, right?

stick figure Thing on deviantART
stick figure Thing on Tumblr

Monster Guy - Final

Saturday, May 14th, 2011

It's the end of the Monster Guy artistic process series!!

I showed you the line art, explained why I decided to use color holds, and shared my interior colors. The only differences between this final version and the interior colors are that I decided the final needed a background color to properly pop, and I also added some raw color edges to the monster.

Those raw color edges may look familiar to you if you've been following this series. I showed them to you back in my blog post about the color line art. The raw edge is actually the messy color I painted beneath the white line art shell to create my knockouts in the first place. I clicked them on by mistake when I was editing the layers of this piece, and I decided I liked how they looked. Accidental awesome!

Thx for checking out the artistic process of this sketch. If you dig Monster Guy, you can buy a print of it on deviantART.

Monster Guy around the web:
...on deviantART
...on Flickr
...on Tumblr

Green Thursdays - Schlurp Lantern

Thursday, May 12th, 2011

Green Thursdays - Schlurp Lantern

THAT'S A WRAP! Goodbye, Green Thursdays. I won't miss you. And I mean that in the most affectionate way.

Don't get me wrong. I loved drawing and posting these Green Lantern sketches. I especially loved dreaming up the things I'd do with a Power Ring (I'm gonna let you guess which ones are my own personal fantasies!!!). But I'm sick of these doodles. They've been drawn for nearly five months now and it's time for me to move on.

Thx for following along! If you want more stick figure art from moi, don't worry -- there's my weekly Stick Cats webcomic and I'm always posting random stick figures when the mood strikes me.

- Schlurp Lantern on Tumblr
- Schlurp Lantern on deviantART
- Schlurp Lantern on Flickr