
Green Thursdays - Muscle Lantern

Thursday, February 24th, 2011

Green Thursdays - Muscle Lantern

Green Thursdays RETURNS! I know I skipped last week... I wasn't really feeling it, so I took the week off. BUT I'M BACK -- GET TO THA CHOPPA!!!

- Muscle Lantern on deviantART
- Muscle Lantern on Flickr
- Muscle Lantern on Tumblr

Green Thursdays - Logo Lantern

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

Green Thursdays - Logo Lantern

AHHHH it's so clever I can barely stand it!!! He's creating his own logo with the power ring!! OMG! WTF! FTW! LOLCATS!!!

Anyway, I'm feeling a bit uninspired today, so that's why you're getting Logo Lantern. Don't get me wrong -- I think Logo Lantern is sweet. In fact, it's one of my favorites of the Green Thursdays series. It just requires minimum work on my part, so that makes it easy on me.

BTW, this was the first Green Lantern stick figure sketch I did, and I think it best captures the emotions I'm trying to encapsulate with this series -- clueless idiocy and indifferent sarcasm.

- Logo Lantern on deviantART
- Logo Lantern on Flickr
- Logo Lantern on Tumblr

Green Thursdays - King Lantern

Thursday, January 27th, 2011

Green Thursdays - King Lantern

Yeah, I guess this doodle would have made more sense in purple... BUT GODDAMN IT HE'S GREEN LANTERN NOT STAR SAPPHIRE (*cough* Star Sapphires have sexist costumes *cough*) and that's why it's a green king latern!!!

Look, I have a confession -- I'm not a big Green Lantern fan. You'd think I am with this Green Thursdays sketch series and all, but nope.

I mean, I think GL's got one of the sweetest powers around and I like playing as him in Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe... but I've never been a voracious Green Lantern comics reader.

Look, this has nothing do with the sketch. I know. But I wanted to add some text to this post and I don't have anything else to say. Soooo... I'll see you next week.

- King Lantern on deviantART
- King Lantern on Flickr