
Green Thursdays - Hi Lantern

Thursday, January 20th, 2011

Green Thursdays - Hi Lantern

NO! This sketch is NOT a thinly veiled weed reference! It's just a picture of Green Lantern saying hi. THAT'S IT.

Anyway, this is one of my most "accessible" Green Thursdays sketches. Things are gonna start to get weirder as the sketches progress. That's for sure.

But for now, savor the cuteness while you can.

- Hi Lantern on deviantART
- Hi Lantern on Flickr

Green Thursdays - Skate Lantern

Thursday, January 13th, 2011

Green Thursdays - Skate Lantern

Welcome to my new sketch series, Green Thursdays! I really enjoyed posting A Deadpool A Day in December, but DAAAAAMN it's a lot of work maintaining a daily sketch series. I think weekly is much more my speed.

As you can see, the current subject is none other than Green Lantern. Don't worry if it's Hal or John or Kyle or Guy... just know that it's a wiseass stick figure who somehow managed to score a green power ring and now said stick figure is living it up, Lantern style!

I mean, Green Lantern's powers are all about wish fulfillment, right? So expect to see both hilarious and serious wish fulfillment scenarios here on Green Thursdays.

In fact, today's Skate Lantern is a wish fulfillment of my own -- many of you may not know it, but I've always wanted to be badass skateboarder! But I didn't enjoy practicing tricks, and instead I focused on cartooning and music (which I did enjoy practicing). That's why is full of sketches and songs, and not pics of me tearing up a half-pipe.

Anyhoo, Green Lantern will be the focus of Green Thursdays for the foreseeable future, so be back here next week for more power ring shenannigans!!!

- Skate Lantern on deviantART
- Skate Lantern on Flickr

6425627466... Me?

Wednesday, January 12th, 2011



EDIT: The code has been cracked!!! (A little too quickly, if you ask me...)

As the image says, Tabitha wins a portrait done in a similar style (if she wants one, that is!). And you know if I draw her one, it'll get posted here!!! Well, not here in this blog post... but here on my blog.