
A Deadpool A Day - Sickpool

Saturday, December 25th, 2010

A Deadpool A Day

Deadpool - Sickpool

#12 - Sickpool

MERRY XMAS!!! My gift to you is a double shot of A Deadpool A Day sketches, starting with this one and continuing on to the logical conclusion.

This is what happens when Deadpool stresses too much about his holiday shopping chopping and doesn't get enough sleep and/or proper nutrition. [WAIT... come to think about it, he's a near-unkillable mercenary that can regenerate from almost any wound, so he probably can't get sick....]

- A Deadpool A Day - #12 Sickpool on Flickr
- A Deadpool A Day - #12 Sickpool on deviantART

A Deadpool A Day - Pantspool

Friday, December 24th, 2010

A Deadpool A Day

Deadpool - Pantspool

#11 - Pantspool

A Deadpool A Day stays fashion forward with the final installment of the "Deadpool wears stuff" series of sketches.

TOMORROW: An Xmas double shot of Deadpool!!!

- A Deadpool A Day - #11 Pantspool on Flickr
- A Deadpool A Day - #11 Pantspool on deviantART

A Deadpool A Day - Shirtpool

Thursday, December 23rd, 2010

A Deadpool A Day

Deadpool - Shirtpool

#10 - Shirtpool

I was traveling yesterday and didn't get to post my A Deadpool A Day! Normally, that would mean I'd double-up today, but I think I'll let it wait till Xmas and give you a double Deadpool gift!!!

Anyway, this one is pretty self-explanatory. Deadpool wearing a shirt. A Hawaiian shirt. Pretty awesome, no?

- A Deadpool A Day - #10 Shirtpool on Flickr
- A Deadpool A Day - #10 Shirtpool on deviantART