
A Deadpool A Day - Batpool

Saturday, December 18th, 2010

A Deadpool A Day

Deadpool - Batpool

#6 - Batpool

BANHA-BAHNA-BAHNA-BAHNA BATPOOL!!! Deadpool, being the master assassin that he is, must sometimes don a disguise, right? Thus A Deadpool A Day gets down with the Distinguished Competition and slips on the ol' cape and cowl!

Personally, I love the iconic (and easy to draw!) quality of Batman's cowl. The shape is so simple, and it's instantly recognizable. And that's why I just couldn't resist mixing that style with the core elements of my stick figure Deadpool formula.

- A Deadpool A Day - #6 Batpool on Flickr
- A Deadpool A Day - #6 Batpool on deviantART

A Deadpool A Day - Starepool

Friday, December 17th, 2010

A Deadpool A Day

Deadpool - Starepool

#5 - Starepool

I never guaranteed that A Deadpool A Day would be exciting every single time!!! In all seriousness, I couldn't avoid drawing this pose. Those simple little puppy dog eyes just begged to be the sole focus of at least one of my sketches.

I like this one because, to me, it tells a story -- I envision 'Pool walking somewhere, feeling a watchful gaze on him, and turning slowly to the side to confront the viewer. Plus, Deadpool is breaking the 4th wall by staring directly at you, which any Deadpool fan will recognize as a hallmark of the character.

- A Deadpool A Day - #5 Starepool on Flickr
- A Deadpool A Day - #5 Starepool on deviantART

A Deadpool A Day - Flamepool

Thursday, December 16th, 2010

A Deadpool A Day

Deadpool - Flamepool

#4 - Flamepool

After doing a few of these A Deadpool A Day sketches, I found myself... umm, how could I say? At a loss for ideas. I imagined Deadpool in a bunch of action poses, but that was about it.

It took my friend and fellow artist Dan Greenwald to help me break out of the box. I asked for a suggestion and he said, "draw him with his arm on fire." LET IT BE DONE!

- A Deadpool A Day - #4 Flamepool on Flickr
- A Deadpool A Day - #4 Flamepool on deviantART