
A Deadpool A Day - Swingpool

Wednesday, December 15th, 2010

A Deadpool A Day

Deadpool - Gunpool

#3 - Swingpool

This was one of the first poses that came to my mind when I started doing A Deadpool A Day sketches. I guess it's because I was reared on old school heroes, like the Super Friends and the Batman 60s show and the corny live-action Spider-Man show and Claremont's swashbuckling Nightcrawler.

So when I think of superheroes, I often think of them swinging in on ropes to save the day or kick some butt. Kinda silly of me in today's tech-heavy hero atmosphere. But I figure Wade Wilson would swing in on a rope just for dramatic effect!

- A Deadpool A Day - #3 Swingpool on Flickr
- A Deadpool A Day - #3 Swingpool on deviantART

A Deadpool A Day - Gunpool

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

A Deadpool A Day

Deadpool - Gunpool

#2 - Gunpool

This was my first successful A Deadpool A Day sketch. To me, it's very much in the Deadpool tradition... and, as you'll see soon, not all of my daily DP sketches are quite as traditional.

When I think of Wade Wilson, I think of his Merc with a Mouth reputation -- I think of him being hired to shoot people. So this pic here, one could say, is my most subconscious conceptualization of Liefeld's enigmatic anti-hero.

- A Deadpool A Day - #2 Gunpool on Flickr
- A Deadpool A Day - #2 Gunpool on deviantART

A Deadpool A Day - Swordpool

Monday, December 13th, 2010

Introducing a NEW daily sketch series that'll be running here on for the rest of December...

A Deadpool A Day

Deadpool - Swordpool

#1 - Swordpool

Backstory: I was at Pittsburgh's Steel City Con a couple weeks ago. I was without accessible electricity or Internet. Forced to use pen and paper *gasp*, I inadvertently stumbled onto a formula for drawing a simple stick figure Deadpool.

I went nuts on the concept and busted out 20 of them from Friday thru Sunday. So for the rest of 2010, I'll be posting one-a-day until you're screaming "Make it stop, Nick! No more Deadpool!!!"

- A Deadpool A Day - #1 Swordpool on Flickr
- A Deadpool A Day - #1 Swordpool on deviantART