Can You Smell the Brilliance?

Friday, May 7th, 2010

Josh Blair, my table-mate from the 2010 SPACE convention, has shared our collaboration for the promotional 2010 SPACE Anthology. It's called Fart Tennis, if that's any indication of the high concept at work with this piece...

Feels Like a Long Time...

Wednesday, April 28th, 2010

Since I've been on the blog here. But, actually, it's only been a week.

I went to both the Pitt Con and SPACE this past weekend. I'm really glad I did both shows. I learned a lot. Unfortunately, that's also another way of saying that I could have done a lot better than I did.

My more outgoing, gimmicky sales style went over WAAAY better in Pittsburgh. In fact, had I stuck around there for Saturday and Sunday, I'd probably have had some pretty strong overall sales.

SPACE is a much more subtle environment, among many other things. Suffice to say that my style didn't feel like it gelled there. I felt a bit outclassed.

Not to be defeated, I already have a revitalized game plan for next year's SPACE! And, most importantly, if I never went to Ohio for SPACE, I never would have seen this:


Anyway, I finally sent in my Future Shocks script submissions to 2000 AD today. I've been working on them for at least two months now... maybe a tad too long! I'm really proud of them and I hope they actually get read by someone and not just overlooked.

Also, have you ever let the credits play all the way out on SFIV? It's got this ridiculously corny voice that starts spouting some nutty faux-philosophy about street fighting. WTF?

P.S. Can't wait for my SSFIV to get here! Damn it, Amazon! It better be here tomorrow!!!

P.P.S. Went to a great comics lecture last night by Bill Boichel of Copacetic Comics. Thx, Bill!

Check Me Out at SPACE and the Pittsburgh Comicon This Weekend!!!

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

That's right. I'm gonna be at both the Pittsburgh Comicon and SPACE this upcoming weekend!

Friday, Justique and I will be holding down the AudioShocker table at the Monroeville Convention Center from 1-7 PM. Then we'll be at the Ramada Plaza Hotel and Conference Center in Columbus, OH on Saturday from 10-6 and Sunday from 11-5.

What can you buy from me at the show? Check out the new lineup of AudioShocker Comics at the new Store tab on the AudioShocker! Seriously, please check it out because it took me friggin all day Sunday to make that damn page.

What can you get from me for free at the show? The new lineup of AudioShocker Comics, of course! How? By taking the AudioShocker Superhero Comic Book Trivia Challenge, of course! Questions abound when you engage in this high-stakes competition. You know you wanna!!!

Check out some of my friends and colleagues who're gonna be at these shows: