digital comic cards

Listen to me talk, watch me (sorta) use an iPad

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

I was the lucky winner of a contest held by at the end of March. The prize? An iPad!!!

This video is my thank you to Richard from TWC, and it's also a chance for me to show off Super Haters on the iPad, not to mention Time Log on the Kindle app (which I obviously don't know how to use very well). Plus, there's a little peak at the AudioShocker Comics Archives v1 digital comic card.

Oh, hey, while you're at it, you should go vote for Super Haters on TWC!

Goodbye Comic Books... Hello Comic Cards

Friday, March 11th, 2011

Comic Cards

Okay, yeah, I skipped Green Thursdays yesterday. Sorry!!! I'm in a bit of a time crunch as next weekend's SPACE nears (among many MANY other things...), and stick figure Green Lantern seemed like the least of my concerns.

But I would like to take a moment share something with you -- what you're looking at up there is a bundle of 100 Dropcards that I ordered for this upcoming convention season. (Not familiar with Dropcards? You can learn more here.)

Look, printing is difficult. There are a lot of options and a lot of complications. And, frankly, it's not economical.

I love comic books and I always will, but I'm looking towards the future... specifically, I'm banking on what you see above. I'm calling them comic cards.

The concept is simple -- you buy the comic card and gain access to up to 500 MB of original comics and extras. To download the material to your computer or mobile device, all you need to do is go to my personalized URL (in this case, I chose and enter in the code on the back of your card.

It's that easy. High quality digital comics and behind-the-scenes material for a price lower than two printed comic books. I think that sounds pretty damn good.

EDIT (5/2/11): I've posted a description of the AudioShocker Comics Archives v1 digital comic card, including a more detailed description of the content as well as how the card works. Check it out!