Making Evil Podcast

Making Evil Podcast - Episode 6

Friday, May 8th, 2020

Nils-Petter Norlin and Nick Marino (that's me!) talk about creating Finding Evil chapters 5-8 (17-20 on Webtoon) of The Evil Life webcomic as Hester, Gloom, and Blarf hatch crazy schemes and settle into their new lives under the same roof.

We dig into some of Nils's best background jokes and references in these four chapters, including wacky book titles in Gloom's room, the return of the living sludge, and Nils's own secret appearances in the comic!

We also answer a burning question from Webtoon about Nessie, tease some more about our upcoming underwater koala comic, delve into the timeline of putting The Evil Life together over the past eight years, and drop some hints about the ending of this webcomic including a redacted question from Rosie.

After the end theme Nils tell us about his joyous May the 4th celebration this year, including all of the rad lightsabers he put together with his kids, the Mandalorian helmet he just finished, and the next helmet he's gonna make.

The chapters covered in this conversation include Finding Evil 5: Team Meeting, 6: Brain Food, and 7: Flavor Savior, and 8: The Ultimatum.

Making Evil Podcast - Episode 5

Friday, March 6th, 2020

Nils-Petter Norlin and Nick Marino (that's me!) talk about the creation of Finding Evil chapters 1-4 (13-16 on Webtoon) of The Evil Life webcomic as Hester, Gloom, and Blarf all meet each other and go through some crazy @#$% in the process!

We break down some of our favorite moments in these four chapters, including some characters and jokes that hold a lil special meaning to us.

Like this one, for example...

Along with digging into the making of these chapters, we dish about printing minicomics of The Evil Life and we tease our upcoming underwater koala comic a bit.

And then finally after the end theme we drop some shoutouts to a few of our fave commenters on Webtoon!

The chapters covered in this conversation include Finding Evil 1: Fork It Over, 2: The Choice, and 3: Meet and Beat, and 4: The Audition.

BONUS DOWNLOAD! Curious about that "Bobcat" reference up above? Check out Cougar and Cub (NSFW, mature readers only)!

Making Evil Podcast - Episode 4

Friday, January 10th, 2020

Nils-Petter Norlin and Nick Marino (that's me!) talk about the creation of Chapters 10-12 of The Evil Life webcomic, detailing Blarf's life on the farm, Hester's return to the marmots, and Gloom's soul-crushing day job.

We talk about our inspirations and goals behind these scenes, from subverting Superman to giving a talking marmot some serious page time to using real life at the office as fodder for Gloom's own struggles at work.

We also reveal some of our favorite tiny moments in these chapters, from pre-owned nails to Jerry shushing Hester to the sad toilet and lots more.

And then there's this...
...the digital collected edition of Growing Evil! It's a widescreen hi-res PDF that's packed with nearly 200 panels of humor, action, and slice-of-life supervillainy.

(right click to save... we wanted to make it available on Gumroad too but apparently you can't have a file be $0+ and over 25MB)

You can follow The Evil Life webcomic here on this site or over on Webtoon. The chapters covered in this conversation include 10: The Secret, 11: Above Ground, and 12: Daily Bind, and our second volume begins on Tuesday, January 14th!