Stick Figures

Stick Cats #23

Wednesday, October 12th, 2011

Previously in Stick Cats: Marmalade has found herself all alone, drifting through the ruins of Catville.

Stick Cats #22
Stick Cats #23
Stick Cats #24
New to the Stick Cats? Start from the start with Stick Cats #1

Hi to my new visitors from The Belfry WebComics Index. I hope you dig Stick Cats.

- Stick Cats #23 on Tumblr
- Stick Cats #23 on deviantART
- Stick Cats #23 on Flickr

Stick Cats #22

Wednesday, October 5th, 2011

Previously in Stick Cats: At the end of Stick Cats Act I, we learned that Amazonia's working for the Octo-Kitty! We now begin Stick Cats Act III...

Stick Cats #21
Stick Cats #22
Stick Cats #23
New to the Stick Cats? Start from the start with Stick Cats #1

So, yeah, as you can see, I've skipped Stick Cats Act II. Why? Because I think it's fun to introduce the setup and then fast-forward to the end!

I drew all of Stick Cats Act III for 24-Hour Comics Day last weekend (read more about my experience here). And I'm currently in the process of formatting it for PIX: Pittsburgh Indy Comics Expo, which is happening this weekend! You'll be able to buy both Stick Cats Act I and Act III from me at the show. See you there!

- Stick Cats #22 on Tumblr
- Stick Cats #22 on deviantART
- Stick Cats #22 on Flickr

Stick Cats #21

Wednesday, September 14th, 2011

Previously in Stick Cats: After finally tracking down the Deco-Kitty on the Astral Plane and learning a shocking secret, Steve and Marmalade journey home.

Stick Cats #20
Stick Cats #21
Stick Cats #22
New to the Stick Cats? Start from the start with Stick Cats #1

I dunno how I want to kick off Stick Cats Act II, so I made this map instead.

Stick Cats #21 on Tumblr
Stick Cats #21 on deviantART