The Evil Life

The Evil Life: Finding Evil, Chapter 1

Tuesday, January 14th, 2020

Welcome to the second volume of The Evil Life! Nils and I are thrilled to have you with us on this adventure. If you need to get caught up then here's a hi-res PDF of Growing Evil, our first volume. If you just want to revisit the end of that story arc, then here's the final chapter. Good? Now let's do this!

Tap any panel to open the webcomic in fullscreen, and then click or swipe through the entire chapter. (Oh, and you can read us on Webtoon too!)

PREVIOUS: Growing Evil NEXT: Chapter 2

Daaang, Hester! Get some food with those marmots!! They've got $12 and a knockoff watch, you could be swimming in tater tots and milkshakes with that kind of dough!!!

Anyway, it feels great to be back after The Evil Life's holiday hiatus to bring you volume two, Finding Evil. Things sure have changed a lot since Nils-Petter Norlin and I started working on this story like, I dunno, 9 or 90 years ago, I've lost count. But the hearts of these characters are still the same and Hester's emotional journey is far from complete, so stick with her and have a little hope (but not too much).

If you're a Webtoon user, we'd love to have you subscribe and follow us over there too. We format things a little differently for that site, so give us a read and see which style of The Evil Life you like best!

Thanks for being here with us and we'll see you in two weeks with a chapter that will explode Blarf's little world.

PREVIOUS: Growing Evil NEXT: Chapter 2

Making Evil Podcast - Episode 4

Friday, January 10th, 2020

Nils-Petter Norlin and Nick Marino (that's me!) talk about the creation of Chapters 10-12 of The Evil Life webcomic, detailing Blarf's life on the farm, Hester's return to the marmots, and Gloom's soul-crushing day job.

We talk about our inspirations and goals behind these scenes, from subverting Superman to giving a talking marmot some serious page time to using real life at the office as fodder for Gloom's own struggles at work.

We also reveal some of our favorite tiny moments in these chapters, from pre-owned nails to Jerry shushing Hester to the sad toilet and lots more.

And then there's this...
...the digital collected edition of Growing Evil! It's a widescreen hi-res PDF that's packed with nearly 200 panels of humor, action, and slice-of-life supervillainy.

(right click to save... we wanted to make it available on Gumroad too but apparently you can't have a file be $0+ and over 25MB)

You can follow The Evil Life webcomic here on this site or over on Webtoon. The chapters covered in this conversation include 10: The Secret, 11: Above Ground, and 12: Daily Bind, and our second volume begins on Tuesday, January 14th!

The Evil Life: Growing Evil, Chapter 12

Tuesday, November 19th, 2019

While Blarf learns that life on the farm is a real drag and Hester struggles to move on without the support of her marmot family, Gloom is in Megaville dealing with an entirely different kind of challenge.

Tap any panel to open the webcomic in fullscreen, and then click or swipe through the entire chapter. (Oh, and you can read us on Webtoon too!)

PREVIOUS: Chapter 11 NEXT: Finding Evil

That's a wrap on The Evil Life season one! Nils-Petter Norlin and I have absolutely loved sharing Growing Evil with you and we can't wait for the awesome stuff that's coming up in our next season, Finding Evil. In the meantime, I'll be putting together a downloadable collected edition of Growing Evil on Gumroad and we'll also be recording a recap podcast about the end of this first big story arc.

We appreciate you reading our tale and following the exploits of Hester, Gloom, and Blarf. It's a joy to let you read this story and we've got a whole lot more webcomics in store. Also, don't forget we're on Webtoon too, and so pop over there and give us a like if you have an account.

Finding Evil starts in a mere two months on January 14th, 2020, so enjoy your holidays and get yourself stoked for a whole new season of The Evil Life in the new year!

PREVIOUS: Chapter 11 NEXT: Finding Evil