The Evil Life

The Evil Life: Growing Evil, Chapter 11

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019

As we learned last time, things aren't going so well for Blarf on the farm... but maybe they're gonna be better for Hester once she gets back to her loving marmot family in the nature preserve? Let's find out!

Tap any panel to open the webcomic in fullscreen, and then click or swipe through the entire chapter. (Oh, and you can read us on Webtoon too!)

PREVIOUS: Chapter 10 NEXT: Chapter 12

So apparently the answer to my question from the beginning of this post is NO, things are NOT getting better for our mutated student. What a bummer! No home, no crew, no family. Where's she gonna go now?!

Sadly, you'll have to wait until 2020 for that answer. Chapter 12 drops in a couple weeks, shortly followed by one more recap podcast, and then we'll be on a brief hiatus until January. But when the new year hits, you'll find out Hester's fate right away!

For our final chapter in the Growing Evil saga (a.k.a. our first volume / first season of The Evil Life), Nils and I will see what Gloom is up to in Megaville with his new job. That's on November 19th, so be back here then for another outrageous webcomic.

PREVIOUS: Chapter 10 NEXT: Chapter 12

The Evil Life: Growing Evil, Chapter 10

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019

After the Megaville-centric events of our last chapter where Hester and Gloom got up close and personal with the city, let's check in on the far away farm where our alien crash-landed a while back.

Tap any panel to open the webcomic in fullscreen, and then click or swipe through the entire chapter. (Oh, and you can read us on Webtoon too!)

PREVIOUS: Chapter 9 NEXT: Chapter 11

Is this our most depressing chapter yet? Hmm... yeah, IT IS our most depressing chapter yet! Blarf, as we now know him, is living a miserable bummer of a life and, according to this update from his holographic mom, the "destiny" awaiting him is dull as dirt. Just don't give up, Blarf! Destinies are for dorks and you can do better. Maybe.

If you're loving The Evil Life and you use Webtoon too, check out Chapter 10 over there and give us a heart or two, 'kay? Also, Nils and I recorded another podcast last week, so give that a listen if you wanna peek behind the scenes.

Next time we'll return our focus to Hester as she tries to put her disastrous encounter with M.I.D. Knight behind her and reconnect with the marmots. Bye!

PREVIOUS: Chapter 9 NEXT: Chapter 11

Making Evil Podcast - Episode 3

Tuesday, October 15th, 2019

Nils-Petter Norlin and Nick Marino (that's me!) talk about the creation process behind Chapters 7-9 of The Evil Life webcomic, detailing our baby alien's arrival on Earth, Gloom's job interview, and Hester's confrontation with M.I.D. Knight.

We talk about shuffling our panels around to create the strongest possible storyline, hiding jokes in the background, Nils's excellent use of blood to aid the plot progression, and tons more about these latest chapters.

We also reveal Nick's secret cameo that Nils drew into the comic so long ago that now it looks like a completely different person...

You can follow The Evil Life webcomic here on this site or over on Webtoon. The chapters covered in this conversation include 7: The Gift, 8: Fight or Plight, and 9: Don't Look Down, and our tenth chapter will be out next week!