The Evil Life

The Evil Life: Growing Evil, Chapter 9

Tuesday, October 8th, 2019

Let's get right to it! We're picking up on the heels of our previous chapter, wherein Hester told the marmots that she has a plan to stop toxic waste from going into their habitat and Gloom has an interview for a soul-sucking office job.

Tap any panel to open the webcomic in fullscreen, and then click or swipe through the entire chapter. (Oh, and you can read us on Webtoon too!)

PREVIOUS: Chapter 8 NEXT: Chapter 10

Well *ahem* that's, uhh, quite grim. Sorry! I wish we could give you a happier ending for this chapter, but it IS called "The Evil Life" so it's not always gonna be all puppies and kittens around here, knowhutimean?

Make sure you pop over and read Chapter 9 on Webtoon too because this particular installment has a few fun tweaks over there, including a couple of extra jokes I added just to fit that style of pacing. We also hit 1k reads on Webtoon since our last chapter, so thanks for following and hearting us!

After the bummer that is the end of this chapter, Nils and I are gonna keep the bad vibes rolling with our next webcomic as we rejoin our alien friend and find out what life is like down home on the farm. See ya soon!

PREVIOUS: Chapter 8 NEXT: Chapter 10

The Evil Life: Growing Evil, Chapter 8

Tuesday, September 24th, 2019

Now that our adorable intergalactic friend has (maybe?) found a new home, let's check in on our student and our prince! Last time we saw Hester, she was feeling pretty ill and sought the aid of Megaville's marmots. And the last time we saw Gloom, he was on a disappointing astral phone call with his pressuring parents.

Tap any panel to open the webcomic in fullscreen, and then click or swipe through the entire chapter. (Oh, and you can read us on Webtoon too!)

PREVIOUS: Chapter 7 NEXT: Chapter 9

I've been on some bad job interviews in my day (wanna hear about the time I gave my would-be boss a foot-long chocolate fish?), but Gloom's waiting room looks worse than any of the ones I've had to sit in!

Oh, hey, before you go make sure you read all of the floors listed next to the elevator at Knight Corp headquarters. Nils-Petter Norlin decided exactly what kind of wacky crap is inside of this big building and I absolutely love his choices.

Look, I dunno about you but I've always wanted to get lost in a corn maze inside of an office building, just sayin'.

At least things are looking up for Hester, right? And we're not gonna make you wait too long because we're gonna show you exactly how well it's going for her and the marmot cause in a mere two weeks so be back here on October 8th to find out!

PREVIOUS: Chapter 7 NEXT: Chapter 9

The Evil Life: Growing Evil, Chapter 7

Tuesday, September 10th, 2019

It's been so long since we met our baby alien, hasn't it? Well, the wait is over because we're about to see what things have been like for the extraterrestrial tyke since their home planet exploded and turned them into an intergalactic orphan.

Tap any panel to open the webcomic in fullscreen, and then click or swipe through the entire chapter. (Oh, and you can read us on Webtoon too!)

PREVIOUS: Chapter 6 NEXT: Chapter 8

Awwww, shucks! Of all the farms on all the planets, this lil alien had to land on the one farm where the farmers would rather put a baby in a barn than a bedroom. Welcome home, I guess?

Nils and I released a new podcast last week. Thought I'd let you know just in case you missed it. We talk all about Chapters 4-6 of The Evil Life plus we do lots of reminiscing and we even debate the direction of the new Star Wars trilogy.

It looks like our next chapter of this weird webcomic is going to feature not one but two (count 'em!) of our main characters as we catch up with both Hester and Gloom as they try to forge favorable futures for themselves. See you then!

PREVIOUS: Chapter 6 NEXT: Chapter 8